Cimpress releases inaugural ESG report
Cimpress plc has published its inaugural Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, focused on fiscal year 2022. The report describes Cimpress’ approach in evaluating ESG risks and opportunities as well as our actions and progress against commitments in key areas such as greenhouse gas emissions, responsible forestry, reducing and improving our plastics, support of our small- and medium-sized business customers, team member engagement, diversity, equity and inclusion, workforce safety, and risk management.

“Cimpress has a longstanding history of integrating ESG principles within our corporate decisions and operations,” said Robert Keane, Cimpress’ founder, chairman and chief executive officer. “The report reflects years of progress toward our ideals as we strive to build a transformational and enduring business institution that drives long-term value for all our constituents: customers, team members, long-term investors, and society. While I am proud of the work we have already done, I am even more excited for the innovation, dedication, opportunity and support we will provide in the years to come as we further progress toward our goals.”
This inaugural report has been informed by best practices and frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Cimpress will be increasing its alignment with ESG reporting frameworks in the coming years, and will continue to engage its stakeholders, including customers, team members, and investors, to better understand their expectations, further enhance processes and controls, and refine its reporting capabilities.
The full report is available on the Cimpress website at